Dr. Henry Marsh and Dr. Igor Kurilets' need your help more than ever to continue their mission in the Ukraine. Igor's dreams of building a new clinic on the outskirts of Kiev can be made a reality through your support and donations. To build the clinic it will cost 3 MILLION DOLLARS. To date Henry and Igor have raised $175,000 and though it is a great start so much more is needed.
Host A Screening - At home, at work or at your community hall and raise money for the new clinic Igor and Henry are trying to build.
Volunteer in Your Own Community "The English Surgeon" has partnered with VolunteerMatch to help you find a service opportunity in your area. Search for opportunities below and make a difference today!
Log on to the Neuroscience Research Foundation by clicking here , then click on 'How to Help' and then 'One Off Donation'.
Donations via check should be made payable to: Neurofund. Please add to "Memo" field: Ukraine Appeal-Dr Henry Marsh.
Send to:
Neurosciences Research Foundation
St George's University of London
Academic Neurosurgery Unit
Cranmer Terrace
London UK SW17 0RE
IMPORTANT: To ensure your donation is allocated to the fund Henry has set up on behalf of Igor's new clinic please send an email with details of your donation to: neurosurgery@sgul.ac.uk or directly to Dr. Marsh at henry.marsh@stgeorges.nhs.uk